Monday, June 17, 2013

Day Two: Innovation from Fire

Today began with a discussion on the research process for the traditional doctoral student. We listened to Professor Emeritus Neil Salkind, of University of Kansas, share his insight from 40 years of teaching and writing about statistics and research methods. He is the well known author of Statistics for People Who Think They Hate Statistics. I am not the most proficient in research but below are some of my take aways from his speech:

  • Don't be a hero, select a topic that you can finish
"Be realistic"(Salkind, 2013) of life outside the PhD program. Choose a topic that you are interested in and you can, at the same time, find time for in your busy life. 

  • Big only counts on Thanksgiving
The sample size depends on the difference between groups and how much variability there is. In qualitative research you want to encourage variability because of the amount of rich description needed. 
  • Measuring things is important and back to the null
Test have to be reliable and valid in order to come close to generalizing.

Freda Russell 

During this portion of the Summer Institute, my intergenerational group discussed the many uses of a paper clip, such as: nose ring, weapon, ear ring, and ear wax remover. This exercise is important for the learning process to link ideas with a tool (paperclip) to enhance innovation (new uses of a tool). This type of learning, which is known as 'Associative learning' has been utilized in a new architecture and design field called biomimicry, or as Pawlyn (2012) states, "the study of natural structures and processes in order to help solve man-made problems."

In the video that we watched during the presentation, O'Connor discusses how Neanderthals once created innovative uses of fire from looking at brush fires. I consider this innovation a form of biomimicry because the cave men took a natural occurrence of fire, and used it so solve problems such as: 1) cooking food, and 2) staying warm. Thus, innovation can be discovered through viewing natural occurrences in nature and replicating the benefits of that very occurrence to serve society.

When I reflect on innovation in relation to service, I believe we as leaders need to turn to our biological world to solve human or social problems. As leaders and learners, it is our responsibility to serve the greater good of society as a whole. We are to seek out issues as scientists and hypothesize how we can dig deep to make a difference toward fulfilling needs. However, I believe the element holding leaders back from creating social change and innovation is our inability to think differently about solving the issue at hand.   For instance, looking at the environment has helped create eco-friendly, high efficiency inventions such as solar panels. Solar panels benefit society by cutting down carbon emissions and diminishing our dependance on fossil fuels such as oil.

Servant Leadership Panel

 Mette Baran, introduced the Leadership Panel today with the concept of servant leadership. I paid particular attention to this portion of her discussion due to the ED 702 Service Philosophy assignment. The first part of the assignment is finishing the sentence, "Service is...." As I reflect on finishing that sentence, I find myself dumbfounded and inadequate as a servant. I call myself a leader, a change agent, and a catalyst in the advancement of society, yet I do not even know where to begin finishing that sentence.

Mette then put the following statement on the board....

I began to reflect on my definition of service and thought the following definition could begin my exploration: Service is a lifestyle in which a leaders acts as a catalyst in the progressive transformation of the human condition.

What I mean by this is the leader must live (say and do) to get their hands dirty in making the human condition better for everyone.

I will see where this definition takes me but for now I am feeling much better about the assignment.

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