Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day One: Judge vs. Scientist

Today Dr. Tony Frontier talked with us about the idea of the judge vs. the scientist. The judge is very narrow minded and jumps to conclusions - they seek to conclude. The scientist asks why, and seeks where needs can be filled - they seek to understand.

The judge vs. scientist presentation was beneficial when meeting my intergenerational group. Our discussions began with talking about our jobs, our ideas on leadership, and why we are even in this program. Here, I was reminded to be a scientist and ask these members questions about their thoughts, and get to the root of their beliefs. As Tony stated, "Everything is the way it is because it got that way." By acknowledging this bit of wisdom in our intergenerational group, I was able to suspend judgment and absorb meaning. This may be considered what Tony referred to as "Thinking differently" or as I would describe as thinking towards meaning. 

IF/THEN Exercise

The IF/THEN exercise forced our intergenerational group to reflect on the various videos we watched for the Edmodo site. While we watched many different videos, the conversation continually returned to Gandhi, as an exemplar of leadership, learning, service, and research. Here is what we discussed:

If leaders are face with balancing the interest of the few and the interests of the many, and a good leader looks for the tipping point
Then change is NATURAL (but not always easy)

As we all discussed, leadership is really an art of balancing popular opinion and unpopular opinion. Some of the questions we casked ourselves were: Does a leader go against their own beliefs to satisfy the majority? Do we change an organization for one individual's needs?

If learning requires a sense of humility and vulnerability
Then leaders/learners need to practice the art of open mindedness

In our discussion we all agreed that learning only occurs when we are open minded to listen, hear, process, and absorb. When we are openminded we tend to soak up what people are really getting at.

If service is leading positive societal change
Then leaders must instill change from the local level for exponential service

Leaders sometimes think that service starts with the macro level, however this is too ambitious. As we have learned from Dudley, the Leadership and Lollipop video, leadership must first start small, at a local level to reach a global impact.

If research is observing
Then leaders must use all senses

Research is taking the world in, to find something out. 

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