Saturday, June 22, 2013


"Do what you say you are going to do" - Dr. Jaime Loftus

Congruency Builds: Trust, Engagement, Integrity

"Work is much more important than a place to go in between the weekends"

5 Goals at Stritch
1. Quality and Excellence
2. Growth
3. Vibrancy
4. Reduce Complexity
5. Branding and Telling Story

Thomas Cronin
Peter Drucker

Nugget of Knowledge: Service is equipping individuals to become a better version of themself. 


Service falls on a complex continuum. On one side of the spectrum, the servant can serve the individual to the point that that they become ill-equipped. Like a mother who does their child's laundry until the child is 25. On the opposite side of the spectrum, a servant can serve the individual so that they become equipped. In this case the mother takes the time to patiently teach their child how to do their own laundry.

The servant is constantly balancing enabling and equipping the individual they are serving. It would be wrong for the founders of RR to enable the behavior of the individuals and suggest for them to play the welfare system, not work, or make excuses for their circumstance. However, these founders are equipping these individuals and truly following Greenleaf's (1977) test of making the individuals grow and gain more autonomy. Seeing two people make such a difference within the community was inspiring for me as a servant and leader. I am a huge advocate of organizations that help equip individuals with life skills, leadership skills, and strengths. This organization captures the essence of servant leadership, by equipping at-risk individuals with the ability to climb out of their current circumstance. 

Greenleaf, R. K. (1977). Servant leadership. New Jersey: Paulist Press

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