Monday, March 24, 2014

Plan for Transformation - Openmindedness

After talking with my fellow classmates at our 'Coffee Retreat' the other day, I have really started to focus on one aspect of my transformation that is bouncing around in my head - There is more room for grey (open-mindedness). I was talking with a few classmates at the retreat and they turned to me asking what my biggest takeaway was from the program. I shared how I used to believe strength as a leader came from sticking to your guns on issues and ideas (black and white). I guess this was due to my age at the time...and insecurity. However, through my exposure to the collaborative environment at Stritch I now realize that strength as a leader comes from open-mindedness (grey) and an attitude of entertaining ideas. 

The quote below really summarizes what I am trying to say. Thanks to Holly for sharing this quote. This is a quote that will continue to influence my ability to be a better leader with a little more grey in my life.

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