Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Show and Tell #2: Cancer Patient Makeover

I recently came across this video on Facebook and was blown away with the service-oriented undertones throughout. As I mentioned in class, I think that with mainstream media we have created this myth that service has to be some big grandiose idea of saving a starving child in Africa. This video titled, 'If Only For A Second' really falsifies this service myth by communicating that if we can change someone's attitude for a moment, we are serving.

As I look at my service philosophy, I want to incorporate a daily agenda to add 'If Only For A Second' to my service action. Can I smile more? Can I call one person I care about everyday? Can I stop and talk to the old lady at the YMCA? Can I tell my wife she looks pretty one night? All of these examples are tiny, but powerful. It is the little things that turn into big things of service.

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