Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Apple and the Environment: Planet

My last post was basically slamming Apple, and i felt bad. So...I went ahead and did some research on areas of their company where they are remaining cognizant of corporate social responsibility initiatives - the environment
Apple and the Environment
Their website says upfront:

"From reporting out entire carbon footprint to finding ways to reduce that footprint, Apple takes a comprehensive approach to environmental responsibility. Product by product, facility by facility, we report on our progress every year. So you can see what we're doing - and what we've done - to make a difference" (http://www.apple.com/environment/).

I personally appreciate the layout of the website, which covers:

  • environmental footprint 
  • renewable energy
  • product reports
  • recycling program
  • progress
Environmental Footprint

In this section Apple comes out and honestly states that in 2012 they were responsible for 30.9 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. They break this down into:
  • Manufacturing 61%
  • Transportation 5%
  • Product use 30%
  • Recycling 2%
  • Facilities 2%
What Caught my Eye?

I really appreciate pictures, or models that simplify ideas. Take this picture for example

It is amazing how well they communicate the reduction of product packaging and it's systematic impact on transportation. 


Corporate Social Responsibility focuses on, in simplistic terms, people, planet, profits. This even balanced approach ensures shared value across the social, environmental, and financial markets/sectors. I am impressed with how much of a focus Apple is taking on CSR, yet is still valued as the most valuable company in the world. The next couple blogs I will focus my attention on the financial and social components of their CSR movement. 

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