Monday, July 1, 2013


"We move so fast that we get a superficial meaning of what we are trying to look at"

I cannot remember where I got the quote above...

7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Be proactive
Begin with the end in mind
Do first things first
Think win-win
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Sharpen the saw
Find your calling

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Ineffective Leadership Paradigm
focus on management
punitive and compliant driven
loyalty above effectiveness
lacking passion or vision
little depth of understanding
arrogance without substance

"Either we do a much better job giving our young people the world-class skills and knowledge they need to compete in a swiftly integrating world economy, or we condemn them to working ever longer hours for lower pay"

Effective Leadership Paradigm
Love for children and employees
visionary and passionate
systems thinker

Transformation Process
Creative dissatisfaction
Enlightenment - Blink
Infrastructure and capacity
Tipping point 

Fish Philosophy
Choose your attitude
Play at work
Be there
Make their day


Take Away: Why are we trying to fix K-12 issues with K-12 ideas?

Reflection: In today's discussion we touched on the issues of K-12. I get really frustrated when we discuss K-12 issues and ideas in class. I notice that we are looking from the inside out instead of the outside in. In other words, we are asking only those on the dance floor (educators) to fix the problem instead of considering those on the balcony(non-educators). I have a business/entrepreneurial mindset, and will admit have little experience in the K-12 environment. However, I believe that in order to fix the K-12 issues my balcony perspective could be of tremendous service and value to the K-12 world. Some of my K-12 classmates alluded to my concern on K-12 group think. They claimed that once you are in the system, you are scorned at if you think with an outsider's lens. Thus, you are trapped.  
My point is when we rely on those in the system and outcast those from outside the system, we fall into the trap of groupthink.

Take the video above for instance. We have created a closed system in which once educators enter the system they become trapped by the system. It is considered taboo to think outside the box. Those with new ideas are not advanced in the system (promoted). To be more specific, when the new educator tries to innovate (grab the banana), they are punished by the seasoned educators for being too innovative. THe next new educator enters the exact same system and falls into the trap of the learning innovation is wrong unless it follows a specific guideline of educator precepts. 

This is a concept I would like to explore more in the years to come.  

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