Thursday, November 21, 2013

ED 730 Show and Tell: Responsible for Transformation

I shared this video for my Show-And-Tell this past class session because I believe is rings true to my service philosophy. My definition of service is: the act of submitting to, nurturing, and passing on what will outlive the character's story. In this video we see an organization literally transform an individual before our very eyes. In reference to my definition of service, I am going to outline how this video demonstrates submission, nurturing and a sense of outliving.

 Submitting: Part of service is, it's never convenient. In other words, serving others takes a tremendous amount of selfless work. Another aspect of submission is once you commit to service, you are bound to a social contract to leaving that individual better off than when you met them.

We see these tenets of service ring true in this video. Just to make this video took a lot of submission from lighting crews, to video teams, to editors, to makeup, to hair stylists, to tailors...etc. That is a lot of submission. Here they demonstrate the most important part of service submission: they finished the job leaving Jim Wolf better off than they met him.

Nurturing: Nurturing in servant leadership is all about adding value to an individual. The producers of this video could have given Jim $1,000, which would surely cover most of his needs. But instead they nurtured Jim by giving him attention which communicated that he has worth to them. Like submission, nurturing takes time because you are on their terms. Nurturing is about finding out what a person needs and meeting that need. Here Jim needed to see his value.

Outliving: The concept of outlining in servant leadership means that you are adding a tremendous amount of value to a person in need. I really liked at the end of the video when they turned the mirror around so Jim could see his value, worth, and potential. Allowing him to see himself in this light equips him to have a restored image of himself. POWERFUL!

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